狂賀 (eJTCM) First Journal Impact Factor in 2022


狂賀  台灣主辦的第一本中醫藥相關的國際期刊 eJTCM,首度於 JCR 2022 公布,在Integrative & Complementary Medicine 領域排名8/30,期刊的影響係數 (impact factor) 4.221。 

誠摯感謝本學會的首任理事長 沈立言教授勞心勞力,無私的努力與奉獻,促成這個台灣的成就!!
亦感謝中藥司 黃怡超司長的鼎力支持與協助,還有諸多台灣中醫藥領域的前輩專家的參與支持!!
敬望大家多多將好的成果投到這個 期刊,讓  eJTCM 更強大!!

徐麗芬  敬上




e-mail to be sent to Honorary Editors, Associate Editors, Reviewers, Corresponding Authors

Dear Colleagues of the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine (eJTCM),

Hope this email finds you and your family safe and well.

We are pleased to share with you the good news about the recent achievements of eJTCM. 

Based on JCR 2022 just released on 28 June, our journal ’s first impact factor is 4.221, ranking 8 out of 30 in Integrative & Complementary Medicine.

It is a big success for the journal and a good start for the next journey. 

The Editorial team would like to express sincere gratitude to all Editorial Board members, guest editors, authors, reviewers, readers, and all of those who contributed to this achievement. 

Overall, the performance of the journal is increasingly improving.

To maintain and further increase the high standard of the quality of the articles published in eJTCM we need your cooperation in:

– soliciting among colleagues the submission of good articles

– submitting to the journal your own best work

– performing a careful pre-check and quality control of submitted papers, and reject those manuscripts which are out of scope or of low novelty in the pre-peer-review stage

– promoting eJTCM within the scientific community and advertising this journal to your colleagues and through your website, social media such as LinkedIn, ResearchGate, and similar. 

Our goal is to make eJTCM the reference journal in its field.

We look forward to working with you to continue to support the research community in the Traditional and Complementary Medicine field. 

With our best regards,

Prof. Lee-Yan Sheen and Prof. Ciro Isidoro


Sent by

Dr. Ashley Chang

Editorial Office, Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Dr. Ashley Chang, Ph.D.Managing EditorJournal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine (ISSN:22254110; Journal Metrics CiteScore: 8.4)Tel: +886-2-33664130 (office)E-mail: jtcm.ashley@gmail.comAddress: No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, National Taiwan University, 10617, TaiwanSave a tree. Don’t print this e-mail or document unless it’s necessary.